Tuesday, January 24, 2012

closing TONIGHT

Dear Experts and inspiring Experts,Today is your LAST CHANCE to enroll in Brendon
Burchard's Experts Academy Elite program.
It closes at midnight tonight, January 24th, and it
won't be back for another YEAR:
If you've ever even thought of monetizing your advice
and how-to content online, or if you've ever wanted to
write a book, speak on stages, hold workshops,
coach others to improve their lives, or become a highly
paid advice expert of any kind, then you should enroll
today. Please don't miss it.
Also, Brendon is hosting a LIVE global webcast
today at Noon Pacific, called:
"The Mindset & Methodologies of Millionaire
Experts and Marketers."
The live webcast will run from Noon Pacific until
4pm Pacific (that's 3pm-7pm Eastern). You can
access it at no cost starting at Noon Pacific via this link:
Remember to signup for Brendon's course by midnight
This can be part of YOUR STORY:
-- Millions of people inspired by your story and training materials
-- Best-selling books and information products
-- High-paying speaking gigs and super lucrative seminars
-- High-paying coaching clients
-- Recurring online revenue from your advice and content
With millions of people looking for great advice and
guidance, YOU can be the voice to inspire them and
instruct them to improve their lives. That's the expert's
mission, and that's what Brendon will teach you to do
while building a real brand, generating recurring revenue,
and making a difference all at the same time.
Last chance:
Talk soon! I'll be watching the webcast at noon!

Monday, January 23, 2012

don't forget -- deadline Closing!

Hi Everyone,

I'm sure you've heard all the buzz about Brendon's
Experts Academy Elite program. Over 10,000 people
commented on his video series already, and he's about
to sell out his new course.
But I've found out that Brendon is CLOSING Experts
Academy Elite registration tomorrow at midnight no
matter what.
So, if you've ever thought of monetizing your advice
or how-to content online, or if you've ever wanted to
write a book, speak on stages, hold workshops,
coach others to improve their lives, or become a highly
paid advice expert of any kind, check this out now:
Again, the course closes tomorrow, or whenever
he sells out. Please don't miss it. The course won't
be available to the general public for another year!

Also, Brendon is hosting a LIVE global webcast
tomorrow, Tuesday, called:
"The Mindset & Methodologies of Millionaire
Experts and Marketers."
The live webcast will run from Noon Pacific until
4pm Pacific (that's 3pm-7pm Eastern). You can
access it tomorrow at no cost starting at Noon
Pacific via this link:
Put that in your calendar so you remember to
attend. Brendon's webcasts are LEGENDARY
for the amount of clear, actionable strategies he
gives to help you get your message out there
and make a real difference (and fortune) sharing
what you know with the world. Don't miss it.
And, please, don't miss registering for his course
before it closes! You don't want to wait another
full year before you start learning and applying
the secrets of millionaire experts and marketers.
It's your time to get your message out there. No
one can show you how better than Brendon. There's
a reason his students succeed: his course reveals
everything you could possibly need to know to
start right now and finally monetize your advice
and wisdom.
Make this YOUR year to get started. Go here now:
Talk soon,

make a million dollars offering your advice and how-to

Hey Experts and inspiring Experts,

If you were starting from scratch, and you wanted to
make a million dollars offering your advice and how-to
content to the world, what 10 things should you focus on?
In other words, if you wanted to become a highly-paid expert in
a matter of months, how would you? How are all these authors,
speakers, coaches, seminar leaders, and online info marketers
monetizing their life's story, advice, and experience?
This incredible video from Brendon Burchard has the answers:
You'll learn:
-- 10 essentials that will help you build an "expert" brand
-- 3 ways to position yourself as a high-value, highly-paid expert
-- 4 products that add to a million-dollars in 12 months
This all sounds high-strung, but the video nails it.
At some point, every "guru" or expert decides they want to use
their life's story or their how-to advice for helping other people to
earn a real income and make a real difference. This video
exemplifies that.
Btw, if you haven't met Brendon Burchard, the guy who did the
video, I think you'll find his story inspiring.
Brendon went from bankruptcy to $4.6 million in the how-to
space in just 18 months. He really get results:
-- #1 New York Times Best-selling author with books in 20
languages and over 200k ebooks downloaded
-- Spoken onstage with Tony Robbins, Sir Richard Branson,
Dalia Lama, Wayne Dyer, Paula Abdul, Frank Kern, Jeff Walker
-- Seminars pulling 800 people at $2000-$10,000/ticket from 42+ countries
-- 100+ coaching clients paying $10,000-$35,000 a year
-- $4 million-plus online product launches and brilliant continuity programs
-- #1, #2 and #3 ranked affiliate for some of the largest online marketing
campaigns in the last 12 months
You might have also seen Brendon recently on Anderson Cooper
and ABC News.
What's WAY more impressive is the results he gets for his STUDENTS.
You can see why in his video. The guy cares, he does it himself,
and he really breaks it down for you.
Enjoy the video.
And take notes. Trust me, it's worth the optin.


Ps. Brendon says he's taking questions on the blog, so watch
and comment. Here's what people are saying:
-- Tony Robbins thinks Brendon is "smarter than hell"
-- Brian Tracy says Brendon is the "smartest, nicest,
most creative marketers I've ever met"
-- Paula Abdul says he's "captivating, present, magnetic
and awesome"
-- NY-Times best-seller Dr. Daniel Amen "wishes I would
have met him 20 years ago; it would have put my business
and myself as an expert in hyperspeed"

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Trying is not the answer

Hi there,
My friend Brendon Burchard, who is originally from the
mountains of Montana, has this great saying:
"The time you want the map ... is before you enter the woods."
The lesson is basic:
Before you embark on any journey, know in advance
how to get where you want to go.
Otherwise, you start doing something and then end up
all lost and confused.
That's what happens for most people in the "expert" and
guru space.
They TRY to make money online with their advice or
training, they TRY to get published, or create products,
or get hired as speakers, or get on tv, or start a life or
business coaching practice.
But they fail because they never had the MAP.
Brendon learned this the hard way. But then he got the
map and made $4.6 million in under two years.
Now he's giving people the most comprehensive map
I've ever seen to succeeding as an expert through books,
speeches, seminars, coaching, and online information marketing.

Check it out:
Brendon believes the biggest opportunity in the world
right now is to help others with your how-to advice for
improving their life or growing their business.
Perhaps it's time you take a new journey and craft a new
story of yourself as an expert.
This can be part of YOUR STORY:
-- Best-selling books and information products
-- High-paying speaking gigs and super lucrative seminars
-- Big-time coaching clients
-- Recurring online revenue from your advice and content
-- Millions of people inspired by your story and training materials
Here's your MAP:
Brendon is offering to hold your hand for 12 months, guide
you to success, and give you over $65,000 of training and
bonuses to get you started.
It's really an unbelievable offer and I couldn't recommend
it more highly.
Look, I don't know what's on your agenda today.
But I DO know it's worth you watching this and getting
your map now versus later.


PS. Before you try anything else or wander into unknown
territorry in the next few months, get this program. Having
the plan is everything. The urgency right now is that next
week is the holidays, so Brendon will close this thing down
fast. Besides, he'll probably sell out anyway because there's
got to be a limit on this thing.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The best course for becoming a highly-paid expert

Brendon Burchard just opened enrollment to Experts Academy!
You have to see this - the $65,000 of training he's giving away
as a bonus will blow your mind:
This is the most comprehensive training you could ever find
on how to get paid as an author, speaker, coach, seminar
leader and online information marketer.
YOU can help others with your advice, knowledge and
information. And you can get PAID for it. Brendon shows
you how with Experts Academy.
Over 10,000 people have posted RAVIING comments about
the complimentary videos Brendon has been sending out.
But they have no IDEA how many more secrets, tools and
strategies Brendon has for building an expert empire.
That's why Brendon has become the go-to-guy in the expert
and guru industry. His innovative strategies, checklists and
tools help you start from scratch and position yourself as an
expert, package your knowledge into lucrative programs,
promote your products for recurring income, and partner
with others to get your message out.
He started from nothing and built a $4.6 million expert empire
in just 18 months. He and his clients end up with best-selling
books, high-dollar speaking fees, sold out seminars, a waiting
list of high-end coaching clients, and millions of dollars in
sales online. How?
Now Brendon is teaching you step-by-step how to get started.
Check it out:
It's that time in the economy when people are looking for
your advice and information. Why not build a new and
lucrative career right now?
Why not become the expert on your topic of choice and
make a real difference and an income at the same time?
Why not TRUST in your ability to find and create information
that can help people improve their lives and grow their
YOU can be the expert.
I know Brendon's program can help you do it. That's why
people like Tony Robbins, John Gray, David Bach, Paula
Abdul, Frank Kern, Jeff Walker, Wayne Dyer, and
the top names in the expert space speak on Brendon's
stages and call him for advice -- his information is THAT
Make the choice today to get started. Don't wait another
year to get your information out there in a BIG way and
get paid for it.
I've heard that Brendon's program will be open for only
a very limited window, because it will probably sell out
FAST like last time.
So go enroll now:
Here's to your new expert career,


PS. If anything, be sure to watch the video to see how
the "expert" himself shows how he helps people.
It's fascinating. And the $65,000 of bonuses will be
the talk of the industry today anyway, not to mention
the 12 months of access to Brendon. Unreal.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

must-attend webinar of the year

Hey Experts and others,
Did you see Brendon Burchard has passed over 9,500 comments
on his Experts Academy series? Incredible. Now he's doing a
complimentary webinar that I think is a 'must-attend.'
Brendon is teaching a webinar called the "5 Most Lucrative Paths
to Monetizing Your Advice & How-To Content Online." It doesn't
cost anything, and you can register here:
You'll learn:
-- Which marketing strategies work best online TODAY
-- Why people would pay you thousands for YOUR advice
-- What types of advice and content you should release (and when)
-- Five example paths that all lead to $1,000,000
If, and I mean IF, it were possible to make that kind of revenue
online -- I mean millions of dollars -- leveraging your genius and
life experience, how would you begin?
It's a tough question and a perplexing problem that Brendon
had to ask himself years ago when he was on the verge of
bankruptcy. Back then, he had nothing but a dream to inspire
and instruct people on how to improve their lives.
Then, as you've probably heard, Brendon made $4.6 million
in under 24 months by leveraging his advice through books, speeches,
seminars, coaching, and online training and information marketing.
He told me that money never meant much to him -- because he
never had any -- but he had to learn how to get revenue coming
in to sustain his message and mission.
So, he put together a plan.
On this one-time only webinar, he'll share his five favorite paths
to making $1,000,000 online. Of course, not everyone will
be able to do it. But I'm glad Brendon is ambitious enough for you
to teach it anyway.
To register for the webinar, click here:
Personally, I think sharing your voice and advice with the world
is a worthwhile endeavor whether you make money or not, but
as Brendon says, "You might as well be compensated for what
you know, and earn an income for all the impact you can have."
Take notes. It's going to be a great webinar.


Monday, January 16, 2012

you can't get better advice--- the $10m FAQ?

Good morning, good nite everyone out there,

If I could get a guy who makes $10,000,000.00 per year
to share all his philosophies and strategies, and answer the
most frequently asked questions in our industry, would you listen?
Well, I hope so. I wish someone had just looked me in the
eye like this at the beginning of my career and answered
these 10 questions.
Watch this video to see what I'm talking about:
This is Brendon Burchard answering all the questions his $10k
clients often ask. I think it's applicable to anyone who wants
to earn more online and build a real expert brand.
And I just love the format too - no gimmicks or whiz-bang
video theatrics. It's really just Brendon sitting there talking
openly and directly to you. He made $10m in 12 months
by following these strategies and philosophies. What's more
amazing is that all he's doing is sharing his advice with the
world and making a difference (and fortune) while doing it.
You can become a highly-paid expert sharing your advice,
experience, and life wisdom. Brendon and his videos just
keep proving it over and over.
Great stuff, and a must-watch. Take notes!


Sunday, January 15, 2012

"The Home Page ATM"

Hi Everyone,

A lot of people are trying to earn more revenue online based
on their expertise, but have you ever wondered simple questions
like what to put on your homepage?

I mean, how do you communicate that you're an expert,
create value for your visitors, and actually make money?
Brendon Burchard, the Experts Academy guy, has a
simple and effective approach called "The Home Page ATM."
Check it out:

This video is awesome. I can't believe he's sharing his best
online marketing strategies so openly.
I also like how Brendon explains his 1-Page Membership Site -
it's one of the easiest and straightforward strategies I've seen
to monetize your content online.
These two approaches helped Brendon go from broke to
over $4 million in sales in 24 months. Such a great story.
This all proves that sharing and monetizing your knowledge
and advice online doesn't have to be that complicated. It's
totally worth the optin. Enjoy - and take notes!
